Here are some photos of Henry Cavill at LAX several days ago. Just because. I know some of you really like him, and I thought these were decent pics of him. With his glorious curls and his sweatpants, I kind of think he could pass for a relation of James Marsden, right? I’ve never really noticed the resemblance before. I do think Henry is actually more attractive with some scruff, with his hair kind of wild (and so curly!), and low-key in sweats. I would hit that. Hard. I just realized he falls into my “Dong Kryptonite” criteria: dark hair, light eyes, with an accent. Oh, yes. Come to me, Henry.
Anyway, Henry got name-checked several times in the comments of yesterday’s “Who should play James Bond next?” post. I’ll admit it… I don’t think Henry would be very good as Bond. He can do period-dramas, he can probably even do superhero movies (he’s Superman, after all), but I don’t think he could play James Bond. He’s just too… clean and uncontroversial. He’s perfectly vanilla, you know? That’s what made him a good choice for Superman, the most vanilla of all of the superheroes. Henry chatted with TMZ at LAX – the same time as these photos were taken – about being the first English actor to tackle Superman and whether his curls were real.
The accent is definitely a plus. If he sounded like James Marsden, I wouldn’t be into it.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.