5 best metal spawn locations in ARK: Lost Island

ARK: Lost Island is one of the most challenging survival games of all time. On a vast map full of beautiful landscapes, valuable resources, and dangerous creatures, from making a shelter to creating weapons, resources are vital for survival on the Lost Island.

Some main resources are black pearl, obsidian, cementing paste, oil, gems, salt, silica, sulfur, etc.

Metal is an essential resource in ARK: Lost Island. It can be mined from many types of rocks, but a few hold a substantial amount. Metal rocks usually look golden and smoother than normal rocks.

Using forges, Magmasaur, or Phoenix metal ores can be smelted into ingots. Many essential tools, ammo, armor, weapons, and building materials can be made using the ingot.

Though metal is pretty common to find, here are five great locations where metal spawns in bulk and can be safely mined in ARK: Lost Island.

Most helpful metal rock spawning locations on ARK: Lost Island

5) LAT: 28.8, LON: 36.5

A snow mountain in ARK: Lost Island (Image via Ark: Survival Guide, YouTube)

This spawn location is a snow mountain northeast of the snow castle, making it very accessible for people who make their base there. Typically, the mountain is covered in snow, and the rocks are not visible.

Only when users climb to the top of the mountain can they see all the metal rock, obsidians, and crystals that spawn there.

4) LAT: 68.6, LON: 30.9

The densest spawn location in ARK: Lost Island (Image via Teachers Game Too, on YouTube)

This location is a mountain, with metal rocks scattered across its entirety, but they especially spawn densely on the top. According to the famous ARK YouTuber Teachers Game Too, this mountain-top is the largest concentration of these rocks in ARK: Lost Island.

There are mostly high-quality ones and a few normal ones there. Players can take an Argy and easily access the top of the mountain.

3) LAT: 80.6, LON: 71.4

A desert mountain in ARK: Lost Island (Image via Teachers Game Too, YouTube)

The previous zone was the densest spawn, and this one is the largest metals spawning zone. This location is a mountain in the desert. The foot of the hill is a vast area where most metal rocks spawn on the whole Lost Island map.

Here, low-quality rocks spawn and are not as close to each other as in the other zone. There are also a few small mountains near the big one, where these rocks spawn.

2) LAT: 59.6, LON: 61.1

The second-best spawn location in ARK: Lost Island (Image via Teachers Game Too, YouTube)

This location is once again a mountain in the jungle. What helps this location reach the second place is that it’s kind of a combo of the two types of sites above.

This means that here, gamers can get a pretty large area containing small, high-quality rocks spawning densely. Again, the area spawns are neither as much as the third area nor as dense as the fourth area, but it’s a sweet spot in-between them.

Users can use an Argy to reach the top of the mountain, which also holds a significant amount of crystals. There is a river near the mountain, a great beaver dam spawn location.

1) LAT: 39.9, LON: 54.8

This is the location of the Redwood waterfall cave, inside which a few high-quality rocks and crystals spawn. These might be few in number, but it is a great location to get players started early in the game.

The best feature of this location is that they can also make their base here, so the rocks will spawn right inside their base. Even if gamers do not make their base in the cave, they can easily transport all the mined resources in a raft using the waterbody that connects to a river, which goes all the up to the ocean.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer’s opinions.

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