10 Things You Didnt Know about Lace Morris


Do you know Lace Morris by name? I didn’t, but now I do. She’s one of the women who showed up pretty much for one episode of The Bachelor back when Ben Higgins was the man whose heart women everywhere wanted to capture. She’s not a household name because we didn’t get much of a chance to get to know her seeing as how the man of the hour decided rather quickly that he did not have much interest in getting to know her much after their initial meeting. She did manage to trick him into kissing her on the first night, which was pretty shocking to many, but she’s someone who was given a message that he needed to get to know her better the same night and we did not hear much about her until recently.

She doesn’t drink well

Anyone who got to know her during her short stint on reality television will tell you that this is a woman who does not mix well with alcohol. In fact, she was so bad at drinking that she repeatedly became confrontational and mean to the other contestants and even to the man himself. She’s not someone who should do much drinking. It doesn’t agree with her.

She’s a real estate agent in Denver

She was before she became a reality television star, anyway. We don’t know if she’s still one. In fact, we are not even sure she could still be one. She seemed to have quite a bit of drama and a mess on her hands when she decided to show up on reality television and we can’t help but wonder if she has anymore clients after her behavior.

Other contestants didn’t like her

It’s not that easy to like someone who laughs at you to your face, who tells you what an awful person you are and who criticizes everyone and everything that’s in her way. I mean, I didn’t like her and I didn’t even watch the show. Let’s just hope that liquid courage got the best of her. We’d hate to think that someone actually behaves like this in real life, after all.

She loves selfies

If you take a look at her online, you’ll see she loves selfies in a very Kardashian kind of manner. Pretty much every single photo of her everywhere is a selfie and she seems to love the fact that she can take so many. She certainly has a healthy confidence about herself to post so many of them on her social media pages. She’s got her angles down, she knows herself and she’s not looking to bother with making sure anyone else is happy with her

She was actually given a rose

Even though we all thought she’d get the boot on the premiere, she did not. She was kept around even when she took her rose and confronted Ben Higgins on why he did not kiss her. She was not very nice, she was not very appropriate and she was not someone anyone else liked, but he did give her a chance. We can say with honesty that we did not see her staying around for long, though.

She’s set to appear on the Bachelor in Paradise

Rumor has it that when all the rejected people from the show head off to paradise to find love and have their wedding televised for all to see next summer, she will be one of those contestants. Except that right now we are not sure she will be since it seems that she has found love after all. We all want to know with whom she has found the one her soul loves (how Pinterest of me was that?).

She hates the cold

It’s a little bit ironic that someone who lives in Denver does not like the cold, but she does not. She says with certainty that her preference is to spend time in hot weather because she can always cool down in a pool or something of that nature. Lace Morris is just not a fan of the cold, but she lives in Colorado. Perhaps this means she has some dreams of living elsewhere at some point when she can choose warmer weather to be her own.

She likes sporting event dates

Okay, so we don’t actually know whether or not she appreciates sporting events or even dates at a sporting event. However, she likes to make sure men like her and are happy with her, so she is always looking for an ideal date at a sporting event so that she feels she is making him happy and making sure that he has what he wants out of the evening. I don’t know about you, but I love sports and I always have fun at sporting events with my husband. However, I don’t think it’s my ideal date no matter how happy he is to be there.

She doesn’t seem to have much self-esteem

Unfortunately, the things Lace Morris says and the way she behaves makes us feel she has very little self-esteem. She’d rather go to a sporting event for an ideal date because she wants to make sure the man is having fun. She also wants to be pursued by men so that she is assured they are really into her rather than her being interested in him and doing a little of the work herself.

She doesn’t always remember to flush

This is an interesting story, but Lace Morris apparently doesn’t always flush the toilet when she uses it. She states that her worst date memory is having a man over for drinks before a date one night when he used her bathroom and realized she did not flush the toilet after she used it – and it wasn’t just a liquid presence, if you get what we are saying. I have to tell my 5-year-old regularly to flush the toilet when she’s done, but I’m really hoping I don’t have to remind her in 20 years when she’s 25.

Photo by ABC
